Lodaer Img

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy interventions may include exercises, manual therapy techniques, modalities such as heat or cold therapy, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation, as well as education on injury prevention and self-management strategies. The goal of physical therapy is to help individuals reduce pain, improve mobility, strength, balance, and coordination, restore function after injury or surgery, and optimize overall physical well-being.

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Physical therapy is a treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness.

Physical therapy treats a variety of conditions affecting movement and function, including muscle and joint pain, sports injuries, arthritis, stroke rehabilitation, and more. Therapists create personalized plans to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance quality of life.

Physical therapy may include exercises, manual therapy techniques, modalities such as heat or cold therapy, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation.