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Contact us

Enhanced Concierge Wellness Services

Transform your space with our Wellness Center or opt for the convenient All-in-One Mobile Wellness Center that brings services to you.

CAMP SoBe Well is your dedicated partner, working in perfect synergy with your goals. Instead of costly investments in medical services, join forces with CAMP SoBe Well. Our comprehensive program offers a range of integrative medicine disciplines directly to you, empowering your clients to excel in personal wellness and recovery.

For more information on partnering with CAMP SoBe Well, visit CAMPSoBeWell.com, contact Dr. Patrece Frisbee at drfrisbee@sobewell.com, or call 786.303.6862.


Schedule Your Presentation Today

    Hours of Operation:

    Monday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
    Tuesday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
    Wednesday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
    Thursday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
    Friday: 7:00am – 6:00pm

    Email Address


    423B, Road Wordwide Country, USA

    Phone Number

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